Have You Been Injured by Another Party?

Hire a personal injury attorney in San Ramon, CA & Contra Costa County to defend your rights

Sustaining an injury can disrupt your entire life, especially if that injury was brought on by someone else's negligence. In cases like these, a personal injury attorney can fight for your compensation. Let The Law Offices Of Cummins & Holmes defend you.

Our lead personal injury attorney, Melanie Abea, has practiced personal injury law in San Ramon, CA for decades. She can collect evidence, take your statement and stand up for you against the perpetrators. Our goal is to ensure that you get a reasonable deal from the other party and your insurer.

Talk to us today to schedule a consultation with a personal injury attorney in San Ramon, CA & serving Contra Costa County .

Personal injury law can come into play any time someone is injured through no fault of their own. The Law Offices Of Cummins & Holmes can help you through:

  • Vehicle accident situations
  • Slip-and-fall situations
  • Workplace injury situations

Work with a personal injury attorney in San Ramon, CA serving Contra Costa County, who brings years of experience to every case. Call us now to discuss your scenario.